Friday 29 May 2009

THE FOUR TYPES OF MEN- that I know anywayyyyyy.

Co-dizzle in chief recently posted a 'note' on facebook about the 'Four Types of Women'- I feel compelled to in turn describe the varying types of men- (why??!!!- because the moment took me...) 

I won't suggest that these are the only types of men in existence- BUT I'm sure if you had so squeeze yourself into one of them, you'd manage.

And so to business...

Mr 'Watcha Know About SWAGGER SWAGGER'- 

Those who know me KNOW who I might be referring to; 

He is arrogant, rude, rarely genuine, cheats, lies, is never on time, lives by the rule that 'one rule for 'us', is altogether another for him', and so on and so forth. Unfortunately for all of his victims he is handsome, imploringly sexy, and more charming than any prince in any fairytale and is able to use these talents to entrap even the most savy of females. We will all meet one at some point, everyone will warn us to stay away, to be smart etc... and it is up to us to decide whether the exciting ride is worth the emotional and LONG come down that follows the end of this 'relationship'. 

Mr 'Sensitive Manipulator'- 

This man has the potential to be more dangerous than Mr. Swagger Swagger because no one suspects him of his manipulation, he is sweet, kind, liked by all, quiet and funny and doesn't launch his attack until you have finally convinced yourself that maybe 'the nice guy' has finally come along. He always gestured towards what you could have, always insinuated love, pretended you two were on the same page BUT when its crunch time- he still has a girl, he's not ready to commit, it's too complicated- THE LIST OF EXCUSES IS L.O.N.G. 
This man is insecure, and wants to be liked by everyone- without necessarily giving much back. He'll live a life of regrets, because, REALLY, he is not a bad guy- he just doesn't really know another way to live. 

Mr 'Genuinely, Actually, Really NICE'- 

Ladies, ladies, WHAT IS WRONG WITH US??- we have all encountered him and we have all (well, mostly..) let him go- I say let him, more like we've run in the opposite direction. 
He is honest and open and when he meets the right girl he is on it and right there whenever she calls. 
He doesn't play games and is not scared of the word commitment- which is odd because in return us girls tend to become infatuated with anything that ISN'T serious. 
He is the man that that we'll regret, miss and long for- but by the time we get there he'll be LONG GONE. (Catch him while you can.........) 

Mr 'Playboi Attributes'

Hmmm, now this one is a straight up player- he is very open about his motives and doesn't fuck around- which is refreshing. 
He'll take your number and when he calls his lyrics are more on the wave lenght of 'my bedroom or yours?'. If you are that type of girl then this could be a very 'loving' relationship. 
His honesty is appreciated and only a stupid girl will get involved with him hoping to change him- He just ain't ready to settle down ladies, take the hint- he might never be....

I think that is fairly accurate account, unfortunately an altogether negative one, which is why I'm joining a convent, thanks. 

ALTHOUGH- hopefully, for the sake of man kind, they will ALL grow out of IT, and when they do might just become perfect husband material. Be patient girls. 


Sunday 3 May 2009

All she wanna talk about is partying and fashion.....


Back from the dead and ready to start next week with a fresh outlook. 

Watch This Space Kids.

Its going to be a shocker. 


Saturday 2 May 2009

Missed Me?

Well, it's been about a month since my last entry, and whilst I have been furiously busy for various reasons, the truth is I've had writers block. 

In my month of silence I've learnt a lot, about family, about friends, and about myself. I have taken a step back, taken off my rose tinted glasses, and looked at everyone around me with exhaustive scrutiny. If I observed them with an obscene intensity, it is nothing on the way I looked at myself. 

What I've learnt about everyone, can be filtered down into one phrase, and I MUST NOT forget it (and am therefore publishing it for sake of reference), it was told to me by a very special friend. 

"I chose to rely on me, then only I can let me down." 

In a society where those who live lives of corruption, selfishness and self-obsession get the furthest, it leaves the few trying their best to be the best for others in a jealous yet self righteous limbo. I've been in this limbo, you have been in this limbo- where did you go? Did you give in to the call of the morally questionable, but fabulously successful dark-side? Or are you still clinging on to your innocent beliefs that the good will prevail, that hard work pays off, and that good things come to those who wait?

I've been in limbo- everyday I lean closer to one, and last night I fell out of limbo and dropped into the world of corruption- all that glitters here, is for you to take- come and join me. 

Live by rules like "Loyalty is Everything", just remember that those who stand by that saying with the most intensity are only really loyal to themselves. 
Make sure you speak ill of those who have done nothing but supported your every venture, who needs friends when you are on your way up- (God may be a helpful additive as you pray nightly that you don't peak and fall, alone.) 
Love your family, but don't like them- they will alone stand above you, telling you that what you are doing is wrong, pushing their beliefs onto you. They are living wrong too, but as the saying goes- "Do As I Say, Not As I Do".
Claim to love ferociously, but in fact manipulate silently- this is a key point- only fools love, and its those fools we can use as a stairwell to where we want to be. 
Oh, and lie. Lie not to protect yourself, but to protect the few you do love- if you let them see you for who you really are you will lose the small amount that is genuinely dear to you. 

Some of my friends will read this and send me messages of congratulations, calls of- "welcome to the real world"- and all the while, as they celebrate my fall from grace, I will remember, wistfully what it was to be innocent, and good.