Saturday 28 March 2009

Lets take a walk...

So......I have recently discovered that I am not as attractive as I once either believed I was, or actually was... The extensive night life has clearly taken its toll, and I've decided to spend a fortnight being wholesome and good (and boring).

At ten past eight on Friday morning, my super fit mum burst into my bedroom and declared that we were going on a seven mile hike- with sticks. Who am I to argue, I thought...?
I dressed, with my mum's guidance- I am rarely seen in anything but a dress, so needless to say my hiking clothes are of a limited selection. I ended up in a pair of white and gold Adidas trainers, that were a last minute purchase at the airport on the way to a yoga retreat in Greece. A pair of red and black Scarface jogging's- which were given to me during my time at Touch Magazine, as a novelty rather than a fashion statement. A burnt orange hoodie, one of my usually fashion-wise father's few fashion indiscretions (just because he's gay doesn't mean he will always be on point now people!). My mothers brown puffa jacket and two stunningly shiny and gold walking sticks- DEAD. (Lol).

Anyway, we jumped in the car, zipped off to Richmond Park and went on a two hour and seven miles, hike around the park.
Honestly, it's one of the maddest things I have done in a long while- it really is a different world. Everyone says hello to each other, the cyclists, the runners, the walkers, the deer....
Total jokes, the jokest part being ME, of course.

For part two of my fabulous fortnight tune tune in on Wednesday, when I explore the world of marches, exhibitions, revolt and anarchy- and join the crazy socialists in an exhibition against the G20 summit. I'm excited, reports say that police are on 'red alert' and that 'violence will be met with violence'- I'll be ok though, I'll be with this cool bloke, Chris Knight, revolutionary, anthropologist and grandad to my niece and nephew.

Eat The Bankers, Ya Dun Know...

1 comment:

  1. Just don't drink when you go out - it's the drink that makes people look rank after a night out! :D
