Saturday 21 February 2009

Calling all my MATURE RAVERS.

Its Saturday afternoon, and I am mentally preparing myself for what could potentially be a terrible night. I am an optimist to the death, but unfortunately my recent raving experience's have left little within me than bitterness, sore feet and a penchant for Brandy. 

I shan't name names, I'm not cruel (-or looking to get whacked by a gang of emotional promoters), but if you were there you KNOW what it is and if you weren't trussss me you were one of the lucky ones. 

So last weekend was a JOKE- as you may have read previously. Raves are dead now-a-days, and the clientele are all five years my junior- which is hard to get down with in itself. 

The last two night have not proved to be any better than last weekend. 

Thursday I went to a lovely bar and partied with all of the two other attendees. Luckily for me I had some very FABULOUS company to sit and look irritated with. 

And then yesterday, Jennie, Michelle, Laura, Rucksana and myself unwisely decided to go out.

So, last night at --------- (lol) I was calmly sitting, sipping on a little rose, tapping my feet to a funky beat when not one, but TWO, men fell on top of me, both with a shameless 'Sorry Miss'.
One guy came over and very obviously bent over to attempt to look up my skirt, and then went and basically sat on Jennie (who I blame for the whole shambolic event). She looked at him like he was a rodent with no paws or teeth and he just grinned back at her. I felt like we'd wandered into a cage at the zoo, full of adolescent, wild animals. 

We left at 2.30 am, which was an achievement considering the promoters of the rave left a little after 1 am. We collected our coats, strolled out the door, and daintily stepped over another younger throwing up and then each swore to whoever would listen that we were NEVER going raving again. 

So today, with new resolve I decided I WAS NOT going anywhere- you know the drill, face mask, hot bath, good book, cup of Earl Grey... I AM READY, can't wait for a little quality time with myself.

It took all of 20 minutes before realising that actually I'm going to Mustard Bar tonight, and to Fridge Bar tomorrow. 

Let's hope for better days and better raves, eh Kids?!

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