Saturday 7 February 2009

S*A*T*U*R*D*A*Y N*I*G*H*T - and I like the way you move, pretty baby...

Hello, Good Evening, what is really, bloody good?

Well, it's a Saturday, the snow has cleared, and I am currently trying to decide between the heels that are so high they're almost humanly impossible to walk in or the one's that cut most of the circulation to my feet, so that by the end of the evening I'll feel as though they have been anaesthetised into a deep sleep and one of my co-party goers will have to drag me home... Hmmm....Decisions, decisions.

So, I was a desperate party girl, up until approximately a month ago, when I finally concluded that spending the best part of a mortgage down payment on alcohol was definitely not the way to go, no matter how good Art Bar's Martini's are, neither was the premature ageing caused by sleeping 24 hours a week. I retired from that lifestyle, but have been dragged back down, (totally willingly) by Maota's birthday party, which is being held at the Pitcher and Piano in Holborn. The event is actually being put on by a business associate of mine so I thought, two birds, one stone, and the rest is history...

I was speaking to a girlfriend of mine today, she's having an emotional week and i'maaa tell you why (she made me swear not to put this in my blog...luckily for me, and you, I had my fingers crossed at the time...)
She, (lets call her Pink....well, why not?) has been seeing this guy for a while now, nearing 7 months, but they have always kept it fresh, relaxed, they didn't put any titles on it, just saw each other when it was appropriate etc... Sounds like the perfect scenario right, oddly enough she was the pioneer of it all, her male counter part seemed a lot more interested than she was, a lot more on it, always calling, coming over, taking her out, almost begging to see her on a more regular basis. He would often get jealous and whine that they didn't spend enough time together.
At first Pink was very cautious of this Romeo, but after months of seeming true she began to let her guard down. Anyway to cut a long story short, last Saturday she told him she loved him, needless to say she hasn't really heard from him since...

While reading this, I'd like you to bare in mind she would not have said this unless he made her feel it was TOTALLY APPROPRIATE, I know how she is, and how she goes on, I can imagine she was mortified at feeling this way and would like nothing more than to feel the total opposite.

What happened guys and dolls...?

I am at a loss at what to say to her or how to advise her.

1 comment:

  1. Eh? She failed. Hard. Super Hard.

    This is why women are not serious.
