Thursday 5 February 2009


Facebook is circulating an opportunity for all its users to describe, explain, talk about, and attempt to entertain its readers with 25 useless facts about themselves.

I am yet to do it on facebook, but mark my words I WILL, I thought I'd do it on here too, just for fun...

So here goes, 25 things you don't know about me, if you know them, you know me far too well and need to take a couple steps back schtiiiillllllllll. LOL.
1- My dad's boyfriend is called Demitrious. (You definately read that correctly)

2- It took me 3 years to complete college and 4 years to complete university (I like to take it sloowwllyyyyy)

3- I only drink Earl Grey tea, and don't take sugar with it, nor do I take sugar in my coffee, which I like strong (triple shot anyone?)- with only a dash of milk.

4- I'm completely predictable in my vices- Shoes, Bags, Diamonds and Champagne will win me over EVERY TIME. 
5- I love the smell of library books, and talking of library books I have a £400 fine at my University library, which will stop me from graduating, unless its paid off (anyone wanna handle that for me...??..)

6- I have two tattoo's, one which says Mi Familia, and the other which is a dove with the word Esparanza underneath. I have plans for two more, one on my forearm and one on my neck.

7- My best friends are called Duane, Ibby, Jennie, Stephanie and Tala (in alphabetical order)- They each hold a special place in heart from very different reasons. You all know what it is, obviously.

I have a lot of love for other people in my life, but don't get the opportunity to see them enough to have the honour to call them 'besties'- Betty, Deji, Helen, Laura, Jamie, Jesse, Mustafa, Ryan, Shantel, Steph, the majority of NewWave, I gotchaaaaa! I know thats quite a large group of people to consider as my nearest and dearest. All I can say is that I am truly blessed. I am not fickle, and hope everyday that these people remain in my life exactly as they are now.

8- When I'm in 'that' mood, I like listening to grime or hip-hop. (How awful is that?)

9- I love feeling like i'm doing something dangerous or naughty.

10- To me, there is not a lot of difference between friends and family.

12- I love the word Fabulous, it just is OH SO F*A*B*U*L*O*U*S.
13- My mum and my step dad are getting married in September, when they tie the knot they will have knocked up seven marriages between them- no wonder I don't believe in relationships.
14- If I meet 'someone', and liked 'someone', I will search, obsessively, for something which will make me dislike them, I might even be horrible to them until they snap so I can use it as an excuse to not get involved.

15- I am DEFINITELY a commitmaphobe.

16- I dream about success, architecture and wall paper nearly every night. Occasionally I change it up and dream about light fittings instead.

17- When it's cold out and anything more than a shrug will ruin my outfit, I take an orange with me for the journey, I am SURE the Vitamin C will get me through the blisteringly cold weather.
18- I am a firm believer that dressing fabulously should not be comfortable, but that you should maintain an air of carelessness and indifference regardless of whether or not your heels are cutting the circulation off from your toes.

19- I love beautiful, successful and fabulous women- (pause)- Not in a 'lets make out' way, but more in a 'You are so wonderful I think we should celebrate you' way. I think its very important, as a woman, to support each other- what has hating, bitching, jealousy and sleeping with somebody else's husband ever done for you?

20- I can speak French, fluently, I'd like to think it was my first language, I didn't go into English education until I was asked to leave the Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle aged 11, after 8 beautiful years there.

21- I haven't worn trainers anywhere other than the gym since I was 17. They just aren't lady like. (Nods to the Co-Dizzle)
22- I was a vegetarian for nearly 9 years, it all fell apart when I cooked my sister some chicken wings for dinner one night, I could no longer stand to be apart from it.

23- I am incredibly self conscious and always assume that everyone will hate me when I walk into a situation, if they don't I walk around in a cloud of wonderment and surprise for days.

24- I want to read, write, and listen to music all day, everyday.
25- I assume I know myself better than anyone else, but regardless of how long and how hard I rack my brains I can't think of anything worthwhile to write for point 25. What an anti climatic ending.

                                             THE END

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